
How To Make A Jpeg Image A Vector In Photoshop And Illustrator

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Vector graphics are the ideal format for logos and illustrations due to their clear lines and contours. Because they are created with equations instead of pixels, vectors can exist rescaled to any size without losing clarity. While nigh vector images are created from scratch, you tin use paradigm editing programs to "trace" JPG images and convert them to vectors. This wikiHow teaches y'all how to catechumen a JPG to a vector image in Adobe Illustrator (paid) or the tandem combination of GIMP and Inkscape (free).

  1. 1

    Open up Adobe Illustrator. The simplest way to convert a JPG to a vector image is to employ Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator is not costless, merely yous can install a trial from If you have this application, you lot'll detect information technology in the Windows Start menu or your Mac'south Applications folder.

  2. 2

    Add the JPG image that you want to convert to your artboard. You can do this from the File > Open menu or by dragging the file to the workspace.


  3. 3

    Switch to the "Tracing" workspace. You lot can practice this by clicking the menu in the upper-right corner and selecting "Tracing." You'll run into the "Image Trace" console announced on the right side.

    • You can too open this workspace by clicking the Window menu, selecting Workspace, and then choosing Tracing.
  4. iv

    Click the JPG image to select it. The tracing options in the Epitome Trace panel volition become agile.

  5. 5

    Bank check the "Preview" box in the Image Trace panel. This will allow y'all to see what the different settings will do earlier applying them, but it will increment the time between making changes.

    • You can toggle the Preview selection on or off at any point. If you leave the Preview enabled, the image will trace automatically afterwards each change you make. If not, you'll accept to click the Trace button to see your changes.
  6. half-dozen

    Try 1 of the presets in the Image Trace console. There are five preset buttons forth the tiptop of the panel, and more presets bachelor in the drop-downward bill of fare. The acme row of buttons include the following presets:

    • Auto Colour - Creates a stylized gear up of colors based on the original colors.
    • High Color - Attempts to recreate all of the original colors.
    • Low Colour - Creates a simplified version of the original colors.
    • Grayscale - Replaces colors with shades of gray.
    • Black and White - Reduces colors to black and white.
  7. 7

    Use the color slider to accommodate color complexity. Images converted to vectors don't unremarkably show well with all of their natural colors, so you lot'll get a better result by reducing the number of colors used. This will lead to a "flatter" look for the prototype.

  8. eight

    Expand the "Avant-garde" department of the Image Trace console. You tin do this past clicking the small triangle next to "Advanced." This volition reveal more detailed controls for the trace.

  9. 9

    Utilize the "Paths" slider to adjust how close the path follows the pixels. Moving the slider to the left makes the paths looser, while sliding it to the right makes the paths tighter. A looser path will lead to smoother edges.

  10. ten

    Use the "Corners" slider to adjust how rounded your corners volition be. Moving the slider to the left will brand the corners rounder, which will atomic number 82 to a smoother image.

  11. xi

    Utilise the "Noise" slider to reduce bleeds. The Dissonance slider determines what groupings of pixels are considered "dissonance" and not included in the trace. This tin help straighten lines and smooth out crude spots.

  12. 12

    Click Trace to view your changes. It'due south at the lesser-right corner of the Image Trace console. If yous enabled the Preview choice earlier, the button will exist grayed out because tracing already happened automatically.

  13. 13

    Click the Expand button. Information technology's in the toolbar that runs along the top of Illustrator. This will convert your tracing object into actual vector paths, and will supersede your JPG image with the vector.

  14. 14

    Export the image every bit a vector file. Once you're finished with the tracing, y'all tin export the finished image as a vector file.

    • Click the File or Illustrator menu and select "Salvage As."
    • Save a re-create as an .ai file showtime. Select the Adobe Illustrator (*.AI) option, type a new name for the file, and then click Save. This will permit you lot hands re-open the file in Illustrator and brand more than edits.
    • Return to File > Save Every bit and select vector format from the "Save As Type" menu. These include SVG (for the web) and PDF (for press).
    • Practice not salve the file as PNG or JPG, equally these are non vector formats.
    • Click Save to salve your file.


  1. 1

    Download and install GIMP and Inkscape. These are free, open-source programs that you can employ to create vector images from JPG files. GIMP is an image editor similar to Photoshop, and Inkscape is a vector graphics editor similar Illustrator. Both are available for all operating systems.

    • You can download GIMP from Run the installer for your operating organisation and leave the settings at their defaults.
    • You lot can download Inkscape from Run the installer for your operating system and leave the settings at their defaults.
    • This method is but suitable for simple images with basic colors, like logos and emblems. Converting high-detail images will take a lot of piece of work smoothing rough edges and getting good colors.
  2. 2

    Open your JPEG in GIMP. You can do this by right-clicking the image and selecting Open With and then GIMP. Alternatively, open up GIMP first and then click File > Open to insert the file.

  3. 3

    Use the Rectangle Select tool to select the part of the image that yous want to catechumen to vector. It'due south the dotted rectangular icon in the toolbar running forth the left side of GIMP. This creates a rough border for your epitome that makes it easier to recolor.

  4. four

    Click the Image carte and select Crop to Selection . This removes everything except what y'all've selected.

  5. 5

    Click the Image card again and select Autocrop . This tightens up your selection.

  6. half-dozen

    Export the file. Once you've finished cropping the file, y'all tin export it. Click the File menu and select Export As. Exit the settings at their default and requite the file a proper noun so that you know it'due south the cropped version.

  7. 7

    Open the exported file in Inkscape. You tin do this by launching Inkscape, and so going to File > Open to select the file.

  8. 8

    Click the image to select it. You'll need to select the image before y'all tin can trace it in Inkscape.

  9. 9

    Click the Path carte and select Trace Bitmap . This opens the Trace Bitmap window.

  10. x

    Select different preset vectorization methods and click Update . This displays a preview of what the paradigm will look similar with that vectorization method. Proceed trying different methods until y'all find one you like.

    • The "Colors" option will requite you the closest approximation of the original image.
    • Y'all tin can accommodate some settings for most of the presets. Merely click Update subsequently each settings change to see the results.
  11. 11

    Click OK when you're satisfied with the results. This traces the original image and replaces it with the vector version.

  12. 12

    Utilise the "Edit paths by nodes" tool to make fine adjustments. Information technology'southward the cursor icon with 3 points on an arc nigh the elevation-left corner of the toolbar. This tool lets you select areas of the vector paradigm and and so drag nodes to accommodate the size and shade. Click a part of your images and you'll see a agglomeration of pocket-sized boxes announced. Drag these boxes to alter the shapes for your option.

  13. 13

    Use the "Break Path" tool to split nodes that shouldn't exist connected. It'south above the tiptop-left corner of the workspace—the tertiary button to the left. During the trace, some parts of the image may accept been connected when they shouldn't take been. The Break Paths tool allows you lot to separate these parts by removing connecting nodes.

  14. xiv

    Save your paradigm every bit a vector file when you're finished. Once you lot're satisfied with your vector image, you can save it as a vector format.

    • Click the File carte du jour and select Save Every bit.
    • Select a vector format from the "Save as type" menu. Common formats include SVG (for websites) and PDF (for print).
    • Save a re-create equally an Inkscape SVG to be able to go back and brand piece of cake edits.


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  • Question

    Is at that place a fashion to practise this without Adobe Illustrator or GIMP?

    Community Answer

    You tin use CorelDraw. Open up the image with coreldraw and right click on meridian of it. Select outline trace.

  • Question

    Is there a style to practice this without paying or downloading anything?

    Community Answer

    No. Yous need to at least download either Gimp and Inkscape (free) or get Adobe Illustrator (paid).

  • Question

    How practise I save the vector image in CMYK?

    Community Answer

    In Illustrator, click on file in the carte du jour bar and become downward to document color and click CMYK. Then just salvage every bit an .ai file.

  • Question

    Can I create unlike color layers of the same prototype?

    Community Answer

    Yes, yous tin.

  • Question

    Why is my trace push grayed out?

    Community Answer

    This means your image is non selected. Make sure to select the image you are tracing.

  • Question

    How exercise I adjust the sizes of JPGs when converting to vector?

    Community Answer

    Scale the image showtime and then consign it as a new jpg, or overwrite the onetime. Gimp will do that from the toolbar; Paradigm>Scale Image.

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Near This Article

Article Summary X

1. Open Illustrator.
ii. Switch to the Tracing workspace.
3. Add the JPEG to your artboard.
4. Select the prototype.
v. Cheque the "preview" box.
half dozen. Adapt the settings in the Epitome Trace panel.
7. Click Trace.
eight. Click Aggrandize.
ix. Relieve the file equally an SVG or PDF.

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